
The Power of Crystals

The Power of Crystals

Look at these lovelies. Some of my best friends. Last week we endured(and still are) a very stressful family situation. Stress levels up, immunity down. I felt the ravages of strep throat coming on. Remembering countless times crystals and I have worked together to rid people of various annoyances I sprang into action. Grabbed three large fluorite crystals, held them to my throat for nearly an hour and a half. After that we did a “beaming session” with the clear quartz cluster. Wow, pain and swelling gone from my throat! So amazing! Am I ever glad I listened to a fellow light-worker friend, “practice what you preach!” Yes, these things apply to me too! Thank you crystals, I love you. xoxo


Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer

1/4 cup aloe Vera gel
1/2 tsp vegetable glycerine
1tsp rubbing alcohol
Mix in a small bowl
10 drops grapefruit seed extract (anti-bacterial)
Other essential oils for scent, like lavender, peppermint, orange, lemon, ylang ylang, etc.
Mix well and add distiller water to desired consistency.
Tweak mixture with more oils until desired scent is reached. Transfer to bottle or dispenser of choice.

I honestly did not do any measuring, I just eye-balled it for the container i wanted to use. It turned out fantastic! The glycerine helps keep your hands from drying out. This is leaps and bounds better than any chemical-laden hand sanitizer, and even better than expensive store-bought natural hand sanitizer. Another plus is that you can make the amount that you need.

I am going to be doing crystal therapy sessions and crystal readings at a fair and I won’t have time to run to wash my hands in between clients. This way I can have clean hands, smell nice and get rid of unwanted energy that I may pick up from the sessions I will be facilitating, without having to use stinky chemical-laden hand sanitizers. I especially do not want my beautiful, sweet crystal and gem friends to become contaminated with questionable chemicals and ingredients.


Chakra Balancing Gemstone/Crystal Necklace

Chakra Balancing Gemstone/Crystal Necklace

My newest creation. I have finally put all 7major chakra crystals together in one piece. I think it looks really pretty and all the colours together……here’s to togetherness.

Harmonizing, balancing, calming, fortifying, energizing.

For more about what I do, you are invited to check out my Facebook page,


What Are YOU Throwing Away?

What Are YOU Throwing Away?

This cartoon really resonated with me. I got rid of a lot of junk this winter that had stored been up there. And for me, it physically came out of via a head cold that developed into a sinus infection. It’s gone, and so are all those things that needed to move out.

This cartoon couldn’t have come at a better time. I had just received a Reiki treatment from a highly gifted and extremely intuitive Reiki Master who told me, among other things, that I was getting rid of useless thoughts, when I stumbled upon this carton.

It is so simple, gentle and such a loving way to remind us to do regular clear-outs of old beliefs, harmful self-talk, and things that just are no longer working for our highest good. What are you going to throw away?



This picture taken from outer space made me cry

This picture taken from outer space made me cry

The astronaut Mr. Chris Hadfield took this picture from the space station in outer space. As soon as I saw it I burst into tears. There’s something about this picture, it reminded me how much we all really are connected and that we are tied together with love and strings made of white light. At least that’s how I see it.

Maybe that’s the message that Chris Hadfield is trying to get across. If we all take a moment to connect with the light, we’ll see that we all need love, we are all precious, we are capable of giving and receiving love, children are our true teachers, and we are all on this planet together for a reason. Let’s make the best of it, give it our best go, forgive ourselves, and most of all, let’s love ourselves.


Tree of Life Pendant with Smokey Quartz Crystals(for grief, trauma)

Tree of Life Pendant with Smokey Quartz Crystals(for grief, trauma)

On January 5th, the phone rang, my gut just twisted, because you know it’s way too early for the phone to be ringing with good news. “My husband’s dead, he died!”, she cried. “What?”, I blasted back, this guy’s 38 years old, he’s not dead, no way. “He killed himself.” Was her reply.

I panicked. We are so geographically far away, I needed to hold her, she needed someone to cry on. After I heard the details, I started to calm myself down (with the help of a sodalite crystal, excellent for panic attacks). And got out of my head and into my heart. And that’s exactly what I told her to do. A person can spiral so far down by staying too long in their head in an extreme situation like this. Actually it doesn’t take very long for one to spiral once the process is started, and it doesn’t take much for it to start. Getting out of one’s head and into one’s heart is going to be helpful, sometimes it’s hard to get there, I know…

After we talked for a while I switched to, “I-need-to-do-something-meaningful-for-her” mode. When the tough gets going, I make jewelry for people, usually using crystals, which I think are so powerful. I made her this Tree of Life pendant using smokey quartz crystals. I love it. I get tears in my eyes whenever I see or think of smokey quartz, and what makes this pendant even more special to me, and to her, I hope, is that after she received it she told me she has a tattoo that is almost identical to it. I did not know that. I got the full body tingles, like when after you’re done the dishes and the soap bubbles leave a heart-shape. Or when you hear a baby or young child get the uncontrollable giggles, that result in the hiccups. Or when your little daughter hands you a piece of paper that reads, “I think YOU can do anything” right when you’re feeling pretty down, beat-up and not good enough.

I’m off topic now, but I have chosen to see, hear and believe in the little things. These so-called “little things” are what help keep me going, to me these things are HUGE, to me they are life, they are love.

When you are feeling rotten, down, tired of all the bull-crap, need to make an important decision, get out of your head and into your heart.


The Power of Crystals

The Power of Crystals

Crystals are so beautiful and crystals are so powerful. I love them. I have worked with them to heal. We have healed infected earring holes, ear infections, colds, flus, knees, headaches, migraines, sore throats, nausea, constipation, eczema, gout, the blues, roseola, fevers, concussions, the list goes on.

I have been exhausted from receiving a Karmic Core Cleansing. I have been having various symptoms ranging from exhaustion to feeling blah. Earlier tonight was too tired to get up and grab my crystals to do a crystal healing session on myself. What did I do to get myself into this current state of elevated energy and mental clarity? I asked my Crystal Guide to activate whichever crystals I needed at the time and to send me their healing energy. Not ten minutes ago I was incapacitated, laying in bed, way too exhausted to do anything but lie there feeling sorry for myself. Now I am up, tapping out this post, with bells on, I might add. I don’t think I’ll be jogging on the spot any time this evening, but I made myself a hot chocolate and am gearing myself up to do a Karmic Core Cleansing session on a client, via Long Distance Healing.