
What Are YOU Throwing Away?

What Are YOU Throwing Away?

This cartoon really resonated with me. I got rid of a lot of junk this winter that had stored been up there. And for me, it physically came out of via a head cold that developed into a sinus infection. It’s gone, and so are all those things that needed to move out.

This cartoon couldn’t have come at a better time. I had just received a Reiki treatment from a highly gifted and extremely intuitive Reiki Master who told me, among other things, that I was getting rid of useless thoughts, when I stumbled upon this carton.

It is so simple, gentle and such a loving way to remind us to do regular clear-outs of old beliefs, harmful self-talk, and things that just are no longer working for our highest good. What are you going to throw away?



This picture taken from outer space made me cry

This picture taken from outer space made me cry

The astronaut Mr. Chris Hadfield took this picture from the space station in outer space. As soon as I saw it I burst into tears. There’s something about this picture, it reminded me how much we all really are connected and that we are tied together with love and strings made of white light. At least that’s how I see it.

Maybe that’s the message that Chris Hadfield is trying to get across. If we all take a moment to connect with the light, we’ll see that we all need love, we are all precious, we are capable of giving and receiving love, children are our true teachers, and we are all on this planet together for a reason. Let’s make the best of it, give it our best go, forgive ourselves, and most of all, let’s love ourselves.