
The Power of Crystals

The Power of Crystals

Crystals are so beautiful and crystals are so powerful. I love them. I have worked with them to heal. We have healed infected earring holes, ear infections, colds, flus, knees, headaches, migraines, sore throats, nausea, constipation, eczema, gout, the blues, roseola, fevers, concussions, the list goes on.

I have been exhausted from receiving a Karmic Core Cleansing. I have been having various symptoms ranging from exhaustion to feeling blah. Earlier tonight was too tired to get up and grab my crystals to do a crystal healing session on myself. What did I do to get myself into this current state of elevated energy and mental clarity? I asked my Crystal Guide to activate whichever crystals I needed at the time and to send me their healing energy. Not ten minutes ago I was incapacitated, laying in bed, way too exhausted to do anything but lie there feeling sorry for myself. Now I am up, tapping out this post, with bells on, I might add. I don’t think I’ll be jogging on the spot any time this evening, but I made myself a hot chocolate and am gearing myself up to do a Karmic Core Cleansing session on a client, via Long Distance Healing.

Spiritual awakening, psychic gifts revealed after a head injury?

One of my kids gave herself a lovely concussion last weekend..she’s OK now.  I could write for days about what us parents went through..actually I still am recovering…

Have you heard of people injuring themselves or getting sick, then recovering only to discover that they have opened up a part of themselves that is truly phenomenal?  Like a sixth sense or a special gift or power?  Psychics, and healers of all types will tell you that is how it went for them.  You ask, I can hear you, what has this got to do with my daughter with a head injury?  

I am a crystal therapist, crystal healer, however you want to label it, so I’ve got a lot of crystals, stones, some of you will just call them rocks…of course I did my crystal thing with her.  The next morning, she held a small amethyst cluster in her tiny, chubby little hand and proclaimed, “mommy, this crystal healed me in the night!”  Kids love crystals, naturally, all my kids love them, but that sparkle in her eye, that eagerness in her voice, brought tears to my eyes, pure joy, really.  Why?  For one, glad she was better, glad to hear that my gifts were “working” and overjoyed that she could sense their power, crystals are so powerful, yet do their work gently and lovingly.  

So, was something opened?  Activated?  Possibly.  I took her for a Reiki session, we also used crystals.  We gave her crystals to hold, she rolled spheres all over herself, on her belly, all instinctually.  We sensed congested energy in her belly, legs and obviously head.  After the session her eyes were bright and sparkly again, was chatting a mile a minute and was asking to go to the place with mermaids on it (Starbucks).  She was really acting so much more like herself.

A couple hours later (we stopped by a metaphysical shop, got some crystals of course) and she asked her grandmother if she had any ouchies.  Grandma told her that her knee was hurting from breaking it a year earlier.  So my daughter took her two new crystals, serpentine and orange calcite (they aren’t even “knee” crystals) and proceeded to rub them all over said knee in very gentle, controlled ascending circles!

That action was so natural for her.  Results?  Grandma reported that the pain was gone that evening and the stiffness was gone as well. 

Three conclusions.  1.  Further proves to me that you could never pick the “wrong” crystal.  2.  Children are natural healers.  3.  Good things can and do result from a crisis.

i am so thankful that my daughter is OK.  Thank you crystals, thank you Dee, thank you universe and most of all, thank you to ME!  I will now find it easier to trust myself and the universe.




By tinyseedsoflight

It begins…

Yes, it’s true, I have my own blog.  It only took me two years of almost daily nudgings, poking and prodding from the universe to convince me that the world needs to and wants to hear what I have to say.  

By tinyseedsoflight